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Used spiral pasteurizer
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Used spiral pasteurizer

For a well-known German sausage manufacturer Comron International BV has found an appropriate solution for the in line pasteurising of sausage products packed in plastic trays and subsequently cooling back the product with a second spiral cooler to approximately +2°C in the core. For this we used one Scanima spiral freezer and we converted it to suit high working temperatures of 100°C maximum by means of boiling water that is inserted with a spray distribution system. In order to cool these products in line we have opted for a used Scanima spiral freezer and adapted it to work as a spiral cooler and supplied it with a glycol chiller of 160 kW at -10⁰ glycol outlet. Both spirals have been completely assembled at Comron and the spiral pasteurizer has been equipped with a new Ashwort Omnipro 120 B24 belt with a length at approx. 380 meters and special plastic guidance strips for high temperatures. Furthermore, for both spirals the existing switchboard cabinets have been supplied with new wiring, new PLC/touch screen and new software written by Comron. Comron has done the complete engineering, has made the drawings in Autocad, among other things the water flow diagram and designed the installation in such a way that the customer is able to easily install the used spiral pasteuriser and the spiral cooler under the supervision of Comron International BV.

Comron Used To Cool